Yogi Berra: "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be."Perfection has been one of the most agonizing words in my vocabulary throughout my adult life. At first, it seemed like everything I ever wanted. The purpose. The goal. But when has more evil been dealt into the hearts of men than in the name of perfection? Perfection steals men's souls with visions of grandeur. Enslaves them to endless suffering in its name. Labels them as not good enough. Uses their drives against them, promising wholeness - completeness. Then, in their triumphant achievement, crushes them with emptiness. But when has this standard of perfection been anything more than a moving target? My aim with these statements is not to strip the world of its drives - in my own life, I tire endlessly over my areas of interest - but instead to emancipate the world from the promise of perfection. Let's redefine it as an ever deepening contradiction, that we have the privilege of diving into.
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AuthorI will be posting more baseball meditations here over time. Archives
December 2024
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