Carl Jung: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."Conscious desire: win the World Series
Why: because we think it’s what we want Why do we want it: because we believe it will fulfill us Why do we need fulfillment: because we feel a sense of loss (or potentiality unfulfilled) Why do we feel loss: as beings of language, things described and understood with words (essence) are always greater than what they describe (existence), creating a sense of loss when confronting existence and a feeling of alienation through mediation from our environment. How do we get over dealing with loss: the world promises a fantasy which bridges essence and existence, making us feel as though we can find the object which will make us whole and complete again Who, exactly, makes us believe this fantasy will solve everything: the imaginary Other captivates us because they appear to know the secret, they appear to have escaped the feeling of loss, but they themselves are caught in the same schema. Psychoanalytic insight: we all only desire what others desire. No desire is our own. Why can’t we get over the loss: it’s actually not loss, loss requires something to first be had. It’s lack. Psychoanalytic insight: To become a subject, lack must be inherent if we are to participate in the world, for participation requires separateness. We are lacking beings. Psychoanalytic insight: absence (lack) is what animates a subject. It’s what drives someone to act. Lack is good. So why don’t we like lack: our psyche, along with the world, shields us from the satisfaction that absence provides. It misrepresents it as loss. A loss that can be overcome. It then only associates future satisfaction with the presence of an object, not the lack of one. No matter how often we are disappointed by what we achieve, we still believe the solution is out there. So what do we do: we erect fantasies as the solution to the desire of the Other. We encourage difficult fantasies because they present greater obstacles to shield us from achieving them. For we unconsciously know that the achievement is not where satisfaction lies, but the failure to achieve. Unconscious desire: not win the World Series How do we reconcile the contradiction between our conscious and unconscious desire: change relationship to the feeling of loss, recognizing the satisfaction is in the journey, not the endpoint. If you enjoyed this new meditation on the deeper meaning of the game, you’ll love THE ART OF WAR AND BASEBALL!! Check it out here:
AuthorI will be posting more baseball meditations here over time. Archives
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